Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Ryan Viselli Introduction

     I am Ryan Viselli, I’m from Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada and I’m a junior at Bowling Green State University.  I came to Bowling Green because I was recruited to play for the hockey team and the campus and atmosphere were the main reasons I choose to go to Bowling Green.  Hockey is my favorite sport and I have been playing hockey since I was three years old.  It is an important part of my life and is the main reason why I am at Bowling Green and able to travel and continue my education in a different country which many people do not have the opportunity to have.  I am doing my undergraduate degree in exercise science because I want a career in sports or related to sports.  So far my time at Bowling Green has been terrific and I have met many people and made many friends that without hockey I would have never been able to experience.
   The athlete that I would pay to see is Muhammad Ali because of the status he had as an athlete.  He was a phenomenal boxer and the way he carried himself in the ring and outside of the ring was admirable.  He also stood up for what he believed in which he did not join the army and that has affected athletes in today’s world.  He was also very powerful and his confidence and attitude was entertaining to watch.  He was a great world champion for a long time and I wish I could have seen him in his prime.
    The female athlete I would pay to see is Maria Sharapova because I believe she is very talented and is a determined athlete.  She is a top ranked player and a multiple time grand slam winner in a field where there is high competition.  I also like the way she is emotional and is not afraid to show how she feels which makes here very likable.  She also brings women’s athletics to the forefront in which she has endorsements and is viewed well publicly, which I believe will grown not only women’s tennis but also women’s sports.   
     I am looking forward to this class and am ready to learn how each gender is affected by sports and how the challenges are similar and different in which they are affected.

1 comment:

  1. Ryan,

    Thanks for sharing the information about the athletes you would pay to see. I am glad you can appreciate what Muhammad Ali represented especially early in his career. There was a time when he was very polarizing - especially because of his stand against the Vietnam War and his religious conversion. I'm glad that Howard Cosell became his advocate and friend because that changed how many people perceived him. It's interesting that you mentioned Sharapova's intensity because it was certainly on display tonight when she had to come back from a 2-0 deficit in the third set to beat Nadia Petrova. I cannot remember seeing her so intense! You are right about her endorsements too - according to Forbes she made about $28 million this past year!

    I look forward to reading more of your blog entries.

    Dr. Spencer
