Monday, August 27, 2012

Pat McFall - Introduction

My name is Patrick McFall. I am a from Youngstown, Ohio which is about three hours away close to the Pennsylvania border. I originally chose BGSU because I had planned on playing football in college, and after I was hurt in high school many teams stopped talking to me. Bowling Green was the only team that still wanted me to come play for them, so I committed here. I only played here for a while before I re-injured my right knee. I chose to major in Sports Management because I have dreams of becoming either a coach, or athletic director somewhere in the future. I want to be involved in a way where I can help these young athletes grow into mature adults. I would like to know that I made a difference in someone's life.

Like I mentioned earlier, I played football all the way up to college. I also participated in baseball and track until my senior year in high school. My favorite thing to watch on T.V. is college football hands down. My favorite team is Notre Dame. I grew up in a family in which we were all Notre Dame fans except for my sister. It was pretty much drilled into my head that there is no other team besides Notre Dame. I have been there multiple times, and to many games. The campus is absolutely beautiful, and the atmosphere on Saturday mornings is unreal. I really can't stand to watch other sports on T.V. until its close to the championship. However, I do like the Indians.


I mentioned in class that the one male athlete I would pay to see was Herschel Walker. I just think the story that he has is unbelievable. He grew up an overweight kid, and was bullied a lot in school. One day he got beat up, and when he went home he said to himself that it would never happen again. He started doing push-ups, sit-ups, and running on his own. He worked his tail off, and eventually went to the the University of Georgia and won the Heisman. He has never lifted a weight in his life, and is still fighting UFC for fun today.


My female athlete that I would want to see would be Serena Williams. I really do not watch women's sports, but just the way she has been recognized in the media, and he overall dominance of the sport makes her one to watch. Also to compete against your sister your whole life would be really interesting.

As of this time I don't have any questions about the class, but am eager to learn!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Pat,

    Thanks for sharing your Introduction. I did not know that you started to play football here before having a knee injury. Did you see the Falcons play against Florida? I thought they/we played well - especially our first drive! I'm glad that you have aspirations to become a coach or Athletic Director and I hope that BGSU provides the foundation you need to fulfill your hopes and dreams. I did not know about the backstory of Herschel Walker but I remember when he played for Dallas. Of course, I can definitely relate to your interest in seeing Serena Williams. Hopefully we will get to see her win another U.S. Open next weekend.

    Just one thing I wanted to mention about the links to images that you posted - I was not able to view them. You might want to double-check with me (or Kara) about how you posted them. Otherwise I look forward to reading more of your upcoming entries.

    Dr. Spencer
