Sunday, December 2, 2012


The semester is almost over! Boy did time fly by! My overall impression of the class was good. I really learned a lot in the class. I believe that a lot of the different topics that we covered in class can really help me out in my career, especially since I want to do Sport Psychology. I was able to look at the different aspects of sports when it came to gender and the relationships among gender, sexuality and sport and I really think that this is something that I can take and apply it into my career. I really enjoyed doing the blogs, because I was able to see everyone’s opinions on certain topics. I wish there was more people that did blogs, because it did get kind of boring after a while, seeing the same people post blogs. I can say that Aaron Crouse and Marc Horwitz were a few of the best bloggers! I really enjoyed reading their blogs, especially the one that Aaron wrote about Magic Johnson and South Park. I would have never thought to do something like that, so good job to him. What I found most useful was the PowerPoints, in class discussions and also the blogs. It helped me understand things better when I didn't understand something first off in class. The reading that I found most interesting was the Williams Sisters one that we read at the beginning of the semester or during the middles of the semester. Still to this day, I find it very shocking how fans reacted and I don’t blame the sisters for ever going back either. Keeping a blog really helped me express my opinions on things that I wasn't able to in class, because I know that I can be pretty shy and not talk during class. I really enjoyed the class because we were able to do in class discussions, so class didn't get boring. I would definitely recommend all my peers to take this class with Dr. Spencer! (: 

Alicia Jefferson 


  1. Hey Alicia,

    I agree 100% with you, I have learned a very lot in this class and yes time did blow by. I remember the first couple weeks when we were saying this is gone be a long semester but it wasn't. I loved the class and have said just good things about it. All the topics that we went over in class were great, there was a very wide range of topics that we went over and it was great hearing others opinions on them. The in class activities and discussions really connected us a team and classmates and I could not complain about that. Just like you, I would recommend my peers to take Dr. Spencer and this class also!

    Khiry Kelly :-)

  2. I agree that this is something anyone can take into their field whether it be Sport Management, Sport Psychology, etc. This class has such a range of ideas to take from. How to treat people whether they are male, female, transgender, and so on. I definitely agree with Alicia when she said that more people should do the blogs since we only get to see a few people write an article each week. I would have liked to see the other's ideas as well. I can honestly say that the William's article was probably the most memorable for me too. I think in the end the tour directors could have handled it in a much better way so it didn't seem like it was her fault, which in my opinion it wasn't. I stand by her action of not wanting to play there anymore either. I also liked how we did the male and female workout magazines. I think this opened up everyone's eyes on how people portray the perfect male and female bodies.

    Patrick McFall

  3. Alicia,

    I agree about the William's article. This article was one of the most interesting I found because I could not imagine such prestigious athletes being treated in such a horrible manner in today's society. I honestly thought that that level of treatment toward other races, especially in that particular setting, was a "thing of the past." I guess certain occurrences can truly bring out the worst in people. Yes, life is unfair, but the William’s sisters had nothing to do with the delayed announcement. I personally believed it was set up in order to hurt their reputation.

    Aside from the class, I would also like to say I had fun working with you in groups and thank you for creating blogs of our in-class activities because that does take a great amount of effort and time. I would like to wish you good luck in track this year and to your team as well. It was great working with you!

    Casey Daulbaugh
