Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Conclusion- Paxin Stern

When I first took this class, I wasn't sure what to expect. I thought it was all it was going to be about was the women and sports. But, as the semester got started, I learned that it was much more than that. It was comparing females to males, looking at disabilities in sport, looking at the racial aspect, the sexuality aspect of it. This class covered much more than I thought it would when I first came into it. My favorite part of the class was picking a group at the beginning and sticking with the group and being able to work together on the in class assignments as well as the outside. This helped be able to discuss the topics more in-depth and get others point of view on it, since not many people speak out in class discussions. Another part of the class that I enjoyed was the blog/comments every week. This also allowed you to be able to read what others were thinking, and it helped grasped concepts more. It was interesting to read each week what my peers thought about certain topics. Overall, I really enjoyed this class and the topics discussed. Coming into the class, I wasn't sure if I was going to enjoy it because I wasn't sure what to expect. But, as time went on, this came to be my favorite class. The variety of topics were also rather interesting to me, and were always fun to learn and talk about.

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