Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Conclusion-Mike Frank

Coming into this class I expected it to be focused on women in sport and how they are constantly fighting an uphill battle. My first impression was that I was right with the way discussions started out but that changed as the semester went on.

            I learned a lot about the history of sport in this class. I did not know anything about hockey history of some of the Olympic history and I found that all to be very interesting. It was also to see the views of people outside the game of baseball compared to mine.
           The blogs gave me a chance to voice my opinion on topics that I wanted to. I mainly did comments all semester and this was because I had a hard time typing 250 words on a specific topic.

            I have not seen all of the presentations yet but I found the radio show presentation very interesting and creative. It was also very informative and well done. I really thought it was creative how they put the callers into their presentation.

            The most important thing I take from this class is the knowledge I have gained about the history of sport. It will help me when I encounter problems out in the field to know what has happened in the past. I will be able to better assess the situation and make a more educated decision. 

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