Monday, September 24, 2012

Budget Allocation Ryan Viselli, Marc Rodriguez, Sunny Marchand

When going over the budget allocation, we added up all the expenses that the teams have, which came to $144,600.  With only $120,000 to pay for all the expenses, we knew we needed to make adjustments.  With only four fundraisers, we picked the teams that had the most athletes so we could raise the most amount of money we could.  The teams we choose were football, men’s/women’s swimming, women’s track and field and men’s track and field.  These four fundraisers gave us $15,300.  We also received a $20,000 donation from an alumnus who played football.  When looking at the teams we believed we needed more money to sustain each sport.  We thought because cheerleading does not compete in a conference, they should pay their expenses, which added up to around $422 per person.  When adding up all of the money we had and the amount of expenses, we ended up with an extra $10,700.
     When spending the money we included the $20,000 dollar donation in with the original $120,000 we got to spend.  This brought us to $140,000, we than took $4,600 from the $15,300 the teams raised, which is how we ended up with $10,700.  With all the teams necessary expenses paid, we wanted to concentrate on other expenses that teams needed help with. 
     With the $10,700 we looked at what teams needed other expenses paid for and what teams needed the money the most.  We decided to spend $2000 on jerseys for the hockey team.  We decided on this decision because it did not say new jerseys and we believed that the hockey team didn’t have any jerseys to play with.  We believe it’s important for every team to have jerseys.  For the rest of the money we decided to split between softball and baseball for their tournament in Florida.  We gave each team $4,350 for their tournament in Florida with each team having to cover the difference.  We came to this decision because softball is first in their conference and baseball does well within its conference.  The main reason was because a tournament in Florida seemed important for our teams to gain exposure.
     We believe that we made good decisions and are pleased that we could cover all the necessary expenses without cutting out any sports.  With our extra money we believe we spent it on expenses that were necessary to the sports.

1 comment:

  1. I like your rationale for spending money to get jerseys for the hockey team. I also thought you had good reasons for splitting the remaining money between the baseball and softball teams. Good job on this activity.

    Dr. Spencer
