The semester is almost over! Boy
did time fly by! My overall impression of the class was good. I really learned
a lot in the class. I believe that a lot of the different topics that we
covered in class can really help me out in my career, especially since I want to
do Sport Psychology. I was able to look at the different aspects of
sports when it came to gender and the relationships among gender,
sexuality and sport and I really think that this is something that I can take
and apply it into my career. I really enjoyed doing the blogs, because I
was able to see everyone’s opinions on certain topics. I wish there was more
people that did blogs, because it did get kind of boring after a while, seeing
the same people post blogs. I can say that Aaron Crouse and Marc Horwitz were a
few of the best bloggers! I really enjoyed reading their blogs, especially the
one that Aaron wrote about Magic Johnson and South Park. I would have never
thought to do something like that, so good job to him. What I found most useful
was the PowerPoints, in class discussions and also the blogs. It helped me
understand things better when I didn't understand something first off
in class. The reading that I found most interesting was the Williams Sisters
one that we read at the beginning of the semester or during the middles of the
semester. Still to this day, I find it very shocking how fans reacted and I
don’t blame the sisters for ever going back either. Keeping a blog really
helped me express my opinions on things that I wasn't able to in
class, because I know that I can be pretty shy and not talk during class. I
really enjoyed the class because we were able to do in class discussions, so
class didn't get boring. I would definitely recommend all my peers to
take this class with Dr. Spencer! (:
Alicia Jefferson
Hey Alicia,
ReplyDeleteI agree 100% with you, I have learned a very lot in this class and yes time did blow by. I remember the first couple weeks when we were saying this is gone be a long semester but it wasn't. I loved the class and have said just good things about it. All the topics that we went over in class were great, there was a very wide range of topics that we went over and it was great hearing others opinions on them. The in class activities and discussions really connected us a team and classmates and I could not complain about that. Just like you, I would recommend my peers to take Dr. Spencer and this class also!
Khiry Kelly :-)
I agree that this is something anyone can take into their field whether it be Sport Management, Sport Psychology, etc. This class has such a range of ideas to take from. How to treat people whether they are male, female, transgender, and so on. I definitely agree with Alicia when she said that more people should do the blogs since we only get to see a few people write an article each week. I would have liked to see the other's ideas as well. I can honestly say that the William's article was probably the most memorable for me too. I think in the end the tour directors could have handled it in a much better way so it didn't seem like it was her fault, which in my opinion it wasn't. I stand by her action of not wanting to play there anymore either. I also liked how we did the male and female workout magazines. I think this opened up everyone's eyes on how people portray the perfect male and female bodies.
ReplyDeletePatrick McFall
ReplyDeleteI agree about the William's article. This article was one of the most interesting I found because I could not imagine such prestigious athletes being treated in such a horrible manner in today's society. I honestly thought that that level of treatment toward other races, especially in that particular setting, was a "thing of the past." I guess certain occurrences can truly bring out the worst in people. Yes, life is unfair, but the William’s sisters had nothing to do with the delayed announcement. I personally believed it was set up in order to hurt their reputation.
Aside from the class, I would also like to say I had fun working with you in groups and thank you for creating blogs of our in-class activities because that does take a great amount of effort and time. I would like to wish you good luck in track this year and to your team as well. It was great working with you!
Casey Daulbaugh