Coming into this class I really had no idea what to expect! I honestly cannot pinpoint just one thing I learned from this class. I swear every week I was learning new information about the concentrated topic we were discussing in class. I found several tools useful in learning the information in class. First, I enjoyed the blog/comments we were able to participate in every week. Unfortunately, I would love to see more participation of my peers in the blog/comments. I found it interesting from those who did decide to do a blog or comments, their opinions on certain topics we were discussing in class or applying what we have learned to sport news happening currently. I also found useful was being able to work in a group throughout the semester, by putting our heads together it gave myself a better comprehension of the material and allowed myself to see their opinion on a topic that maybe I did see before. Some topics that were interesting to me were sport, gender, and disabilities. I found this topic interesting because in the sports world I have only been introduced to those with disabilities participating in the Special Olympics. But based off the articles and class discussion, it opened my eyes to what those with disabilities can do and I never realized how much of a role gender played in sports for these individuals. The next topic I really found interesting was the dynamics of homophobia in men's sports. Generally, I find this topic really interesting because out of all the male athletes that participate in professional sports it crazy to comprehend that male athletes say in the closet during their career. In our society, as time has gone on it has been more acceptable to be gay, so why is it any different for gay males in sports? I hope to see progression for athletes in professional sports and I will continue to follow this topic as time goes on. By doing blog/comments, it opened my eyes to how others felt about topics and from their experiences were able to relate to our class discussion. In class, I would jot down ideas I could blog about and what I found most interesting from week to week which influenced my writing. I often found myself researching topics and information that I wanted to learn more about based off of reading someone else's blog entry which expanded my knowledge beyond our class discussions/lectures. I felt all the presentations in class were interesting because I felt in every class I was engaged in the material from class discussion, group discussion to group activities. But I found the most interesting that caught my attention every time with the topics were the videos that correlated with the information. For example, when our class discussed Kobe and his sexual assault allegations I was able to see firsthand the press conference in class understanding his emotions we talked about prior to seeing the video. I found the information I learned in class to stick with me throughout the semester if I had we had an in class video. The information I found useful in this class that I plan to take into my career is understanding that differences of gender face in sport. For example, my dream job is to work for the Detroit Tigers as Director of Community Relations, when planning any events I will take account equal opportunities for boys and girls. I want to work hard to provide equal opportunities to those such as athletes with disabilities or of the LBGT community to connect with sports through my career. This class has opened my eyes to information and individuals in the sports world I never knew existed, my keeping an open mindset like I did throughout my class will not only benefit myself but the organization, sports fans, and athletes I work with. This has been my favorite sport management class I have taken thus far because I was constantly engaged in the class and continually made me aware of topics/issues in the sports world I never knew existed. Thank you Dr. Spencer for a great class and semester! (Kara too!) :)
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