Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Aaron Crouse - Tebowing: The New "Cool Pose"

“Cool Pose” is defined as “a set of expressive lifestyle behaviors…a unique, expressive, and conspicuous styles of demeanor, speech, gesture, clothing, hairstyle, walk, stance, and handshake” (Majors, 1990, p. 111).  At its inception, “Cool Pose” was largely aimed at African American athletes and explained as a way in which these athletes could form a dominant image in society that the black male could be proud of.  While some individuals have argued that the notion of a “Cool Pose” has been a contributor to racism in sports, others claim that it has helped create a set of acceptable and almost expected behaviors that black athletes are encouraged to display.  The idea has continued to evolve and persist starting with athletes like as Muhammad Ali and continuing up to the present day with current stars such as Cam Newton.  Even though the “Cool Pose” lifestyle and antics was intended to only describe African American athletes, the phrase could potentially be extended to some white athletes as well.  Although he may in fact be the complete opposite of what “Cool Pose” was originally intended to describe, I believe that Tim Tebow could be said to have this characteristic.

Tim Tebow is often described as being the “perfect” individual.  Seemingly everyone loves him as a person, he has been openly recognized for his charity and religious work, and his work ethic and determination are off the chart.  He is as far from the Deion Sanders or Julius Erving definition of “Cool Pose” as one individual could possibly be.  However, looking at the definition of unique speech, expression, clothing, gestures or pose, and lifestyle behaviors Tebow possesses each of these elements.  Tim Tebow is known as being an outspoken leader and religious activist.  From his infamous “The Promise” speech following a University of Florida loss to Mississippi State, views on abstinence, appearances at public sermons, and wide use of “God Bless” at the end of interviews he has displayed a consistent dedication to conducting himself in a professional manner that still allows him to openly express and share his beliefs.  Through his endorsements and appearances, Tebow has expressed himself as both a Christian man and a model at the same time.  In the majority of his advertisements (Nike and Jockey specifically), he is shown with his shirt off but yet maintains an image of innocence along with power and strength.  He wants to be noticed and recognized but does not go over the top or draw attention to himself in any negative fashion.  Tebow is know for encrypting bible verses on his eye black and wearing his emotions on his sleeve.  He carries his religious ways on to the field and is not afraid to get pumped up (game winning-drive vs. Pittsburgh in the playoffs), show disappointment (crying after Florida lost the 2009 SEC championship game to Alabama), or play through extreme pain (2008 “bloody jersey” Florida game vs. Florida St.).  He has become like a gladiator preparing for battle, willing to put the team on his back and give everything he has.  Finally, Tebow has become a legend for his sideline praying and touchdown celebration formally referred to as “Tebowing”.  This celebration has been copied and even went viral as individuals looked for unique places around the world in which they could express this pose.  Like Desmond Howard’s Heisman pose, “Tebowing” has become an official athletic move for individuals around the globe to replicate.  However, much like African American athletes, Tebow’s “Cool Pose” can be argued to be an effort of survival.  There has never been a more celebrated “back-up quarterback” in the history of the NFL.  While the media has created more buzz than he has brought upon himself, the spotlight still follows Tim Tebow around.  At times he appears to be more of a spectacle and media attraction than an asset to an NFL franchises.  Through his “Cool Pose”, Tim Tebow has been continually discussed, debated, and celebrated by fans and analysts alike even without taking a snap on the field and has continued to remain relevant and even prominent in the NFL without being a true “star”.

Though he may be far from the African American athletes of the 1980s and 1990s, Tim Tebow definitely has some “Cool Pose” to his name.  His religious and outspoken lifestyle, heroic speeches, use of bible verses, and celebrated pose certainly make him qualified for each area of having “Cool Pose”.  Tebow is a unique athlete whose outstanding qualities greatly differentiate him from others of his era.  Just like on the football field, Tim Tebow has found his own way to be successful in achieving “Cool Pose”.  It may not be what the experts like, expect, or prefer but there is without a doubt an element of “Cool Pose” to Tebow Time.


  1. Aaron, I agree and disagree with you here about Tebow being part of the "Cool Pose". To some extent I agree that kids look up to Tebow, and want to be like him for how successful, determined, and his ability to deal with criticism. I mean he was told he could never be a high school quarterback, obtain a Division I scholarship, play as a college quarterback, win a national title, win the Heisman, be a quarterback in the NFL, or win a playoff game. I have the upmost respect for Tim Tebow and what he has done as an athlete. That list that I just mentioned alone is unbelievable to do in a career, let alone the past 6 years. However, I don't think he supports the "Cool Pose" like past athletes have done. Deion Sanders was the definition of being "Cool" he had the fancy clothes, the cocky attitude, the athleticism, and they way he acted on and off the field. I definitely think more kids would want to be the way Deion was in his career, and that also goes for Muhammad Ali. I am not saying kids don't look up to Tebow, but there are in my mind more kids who would want to live a career like Sanders or Ali.

    Patrick McFall

  2. I found it very interesting when you brought up Tim Tebow being an example of a "cool pose" athlete during our discussion in class. Throughout the discussion, I was thining back to African American athletes from earlier eras in sport to try and come up with an athlete that would fit under the "cool pose" criteria. When you brought up Tim Tebow, however, I thought he was a perfect fit. He may not necessarily be looked at for his style or attitude in the same way that the African American athletes that were discussed in class are, but he is certainly idolized to the level that would allow for him to possess some of the elements that athletes such as Julius Erving had when it comes to idolization. Between his drive and dedication when it comes to the sport of football, to his off the field work with religion and charaties, Tim Tebow comes off as a nearly 'perfect' athlete and citizen. Also, like you brought up with the "Tebowing" pose, this has become a recognizable stance worldwide as it has evolved from a moment of prayer and relfection for a man on the football field to something that common individuals do when they find a good photo opportunity.

    Tim Tebow may not fit the "cool pose" definition as well as some athletes, but the way he has taken his game and all that comes with it (the relation of religion to sport, his perserverence, and his extra work in the community), he puts off a confident persona, especially during play. Many would not consider Tebow "cocky" like other athletes who have been related to "cool pose" but it is clear that his level of dedication and committment, especially on the field, can be perceived at a level far higher than the common athlete.

    Marc Horwitz
