Welcome to the Class Blog for the 11:30 TR class in SM 4250 (Sport & Gender). This blog will be the site where you can post blog entries and write comments in response to others' blog entries. Entries will be due on a weekly basis and should be submitted by no later than 11:30 Tuesday of each week. If you plan to do Blog entries for your Project in this class, your first entry should be an Introduction.
In the Introduction, you should elaborate on what you said in your Introduction on the first day of class. More specifically, you should include the following information:
- Your name and where you are from.
- What sports did you play in H.S.? Do you still play competitively in a college or intramural sport?
- Who is the female athlete you would most like to see compete in her sport? Explain your response. If you would like to include a link to an article, photo, or Youtube clip, you can include that by using the toolbar available at the top of this page. (E.g., if I wanted to include a link to the Crip Walk Dance that Serena Williams did after she won the gold medal at the Olympics, I would highlight what I want to show and click on the link above so it would appear when you click on it:-)
- Who is the male athlete you would most like to see compete? Explain your response. Again, you can include a link to an article, photo, or Youtube clip.
- Finally, do you have any concerns about taking this class in terms of the subjects we will be discussing or the workload?
- Content and clarity: do you clearly respond to the questions above? Do your sentences flow?
- Grammar: do verb tenses agree?
- Spelling: have you misspelled words (e.g., did you confuse the spellings of there and their, words that would not be caught by spell check).
- Length: Each main entry (such as the Introduction) should be approximately 250 words (about a page handwritten). You may want to write out your entry in a word document so you can check grammar and spelling as well as the length of your entry.
Posting comments: In order to post a comment in response to someone's main entry, you will need to login with your google account or gmail. If your name does not appear in the userid, you should include your name at the top of your entry. If you have any questions about posting or the requirements for the Blog or Journal entries, you may contact Dr. Spencer (nspencr@bgsu.edu) or Kara (arendk@bgsu.edu)
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